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Cheap flights from Bangkok to Ko Samui
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{{ panel.label }}
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{{ fromDate | dateToDayNumber }}

{{ fromDate | dateToMonthName }}

{{ fromDate | dateToDayName }}

{{ flexibleFromDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}
{{ flexibleToDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}
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Number of passengers
{{ adults }}
{{ children }}
{{ infants }}
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Find cheap flights from Bangkok to Ko Samui

Fly Scanner helps you compare the best deals to Ko Samui, offering the most cost effective solutions for your trip. Find your airline ticket at the best price in seconds by comparing fares from hundreds of airlines and online travel agencies in a single search!

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Looking for a Bangkok - Ko Samui direct flight? In just a few seconds, our comparator will provide you with the best deals for your flight by selecting your travel optionsfrom more than 400 airlines: just filter your search according to your needs.

Find the Bangkok - Ko Samui low cost flight you prefer

Fly Scanner, once you enter your departure and arrival cities, will compare thousands of offers based on your needs.

Filter your search

Fly Scanner offers the possibility to customize your search according to different criteria:

  • Only direct flights
  • Only flights of one airline
  • Only flights departing or arriving at a specific airport
Other filters allow you to check prices for nearby dates to save even more on your trip to Thailand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about flights from Bangkok to Ko Samui.

How much does a Bangkok - Ko Samui flight cost?

The lowest price in the last 15 days for an airline ticket from Bangkok to Ko Samui is $160.

How far is Bangkok from Ko Samui?

Bangkok is about 290 mi from Ko Samui.

What are the airports in Ko Samui?

Ko Samui has one airport: Ko Samui - Koh Samui.

What are the airports in Bangkok?

Bangkok has another airport: Don Mueang.

What are the most popular destinations searched for in Thailand?

The most searched cities in Thailand according to our users are: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Ko Samui, Krabi, Phuket.

What is the cheapest month to fly from Bangkok to Ko Samui?

The cheapest month to fly from Bangkok to Ko Samui is May.

What is the most expensive month to fly from Bangkok to Ko Samui?

The most expensive month to fly from Bangkok to Ko Samui is December.

What is the best day of the week to fly from Bangkok to Ko Samui?

For flights from Bangkok to Ko Samui Tuesday is on average the cheapest day to fly, while Thursday is the most expensive day to fly.
How do we get the info you see here? Please note that we offer an online comparison service and that all information and prices regarding services and/or products available on our website are provided by our third-party partners. We do our best to show you up-to-date information, but please note that we are not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information published, so please check all conditions carefully on the website of the partner before making a booking. Please check our Terms and Conditions for more details. Read more
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